Sunday, July 8, 2012

Holy Crud; We're Still in Texas!!!!!

2 Days of Driving and we're still in Texas!!!  Left Dallas around 0920 this morning - already 88 degrees.  Saw our first train of the trip - BNSF heading south.  Arrived in Amarillo around 4:30pm and had a great dinner choice .. tacos or chicken and pasta.  Dessert was a little ice cream sandwiches and then to the hay ride!  We're now watching for a storm that may bring 45 knot winds around midnight.  We'll get right to the pictures tonight!!

BTW - JOIN US TOMORROW NIGHT AS WE ... GUESS THAT SMELL!!  Yes - you can join along our third day and try to figure out what the heck is the odor coming from the back of the RV ... maybe for the grand finale will play - was it really the dog?!

Great Rest Stop that had a play ground and museum

V and Joey enjoy the rest stop museum

Texas Size Bug

Amarillo KOA Sign - thanks dad for making
us look right into the sun!

Iron art work at the KOA

Big Texan Cadillac - Comes through the RV park for pick
up and drop off at the restaurant!  If you eat their 72 oz. steak
within 30 minutes you get it free ... Debbie wouldn't
even let us go so I could try!

Old Fashioned Hay ride with music and we met some
new friends

Evening Jog - I looked at the probability of getting hurt
and decided it best if I stayed and guarded the RV

Storm coming across the Texas Panhandle


  1. What a fun adventure of a life time your family is having! Stay safe and can't wait to read more about your adventures.

  2. At least you can see the storms. Coming up there
